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Group 667
Group 667


You are able to purchase our school uniform online through either of the following providers: 

Chalk Hills Academy - Prestige Design & WorkwearThe Chalk Hills Academy

School Ties 

Each of our year groups at the Academy wear a different coloured tie to distinguish them from one another. They will keep this colour throughout their time at The Chalk Hills Academy as they move through the years so they do not require replacement. All ties can be purchased from either of our standard uniform providers. 

Colours for 2023-2024 

  • Year 7 - Purple 
  • Year 8 - Yellow 
  • Year 9 - Orange 
  • Year 10 - Red 
  • Year 11 – Blue 

Required Uniform and Equipment List 

We are very proud of our uniform which we expect all our students to wear at all times. 

  • The Chalk Hills Academy blazer 
  • The Chalk Hills Academy jumper (optional) 
  • Winter plain black coat (no logos. Coats of any other colour, with logos or slogans, or hoodie type clothing must be handed into Student Reception.) 
  • White shirt with collar—top button fastened (no coloured vest/shirts worn underneath) 
  • The Chalk Hills Academy dark grey trousers or skirt (no more than 2 inches above the knee) 
  • Plain black, white or grey socks, plain tan or black tights. No leggings of any kind. 
  • Plain, sensible black shoes; leather or leather look (no trainers, canvas shoes or boots which are described as any footwear above the ankle)  
  • School tie, tied at the correct length (see guidance above for the colour required or call us to check) 
  • Schoolbag containing: 
  • Planner, Reading Book, Blue or Black Pen, Green Pen, Pencil, Ruler, Calculator. 
  • PE Kit (for every timetabled lesson) including: The Chalk Hills Academy sports polo shirt, shorts, socks and optional fleece and/or jogging pants with The Chalk Hills logo or plain black with no other logos. 
  • A plain, black headscarf with no decoration may be worn, tucked in with tie visible at all times 
  • A plain black or red hairband/ribbon may be worn. Other hair decoration will be confiscated. 
  • No jewellery to be worn at any time - any jewellery seen will be confiscated. 
  • No makeup, false nails or nail varnish is to be worn - students will be required to remove any that is worn. 
  • Outerwear is to consist of a plain black coat. No other outerwear including sports jackets, hoodies, scarves or hats are to be worn on academy premises or they will be confiscated. Plain black scarves and gloves will be allowed outside in winter. If any outerwear is worn inside the academy, it will be confiscated. 
  • Trainers are not allowed to be worn in the academy except for during P.E. Lessons. If footwear does not conform to academy rules, a pair of plimsolls will be issued which must be worn and returned to reception at the end of the day. 
  • Body piercings of any description and extremes of fashion will not be tolerated. This includes extreme haircuts, hair colours, uncovered body art and embellished shoes. We do not allow any hair or facial art e.g. lines shaved in hair/eyebrows. 

Uniform Exhange

If you need further support with purchasing your child's uniform, please visit Level Trust. 

Level trust

Banned Items 

Students may not bring to school anything dangerous, illegal or anything likely to cause offence/harm or distraction from learning. 

Mobile phones or other electronic devices are not permitted on site. If seen, mobile phones will be confiscated. The phone will not be given back to the student, only a parent/carer can collect from reception after 3.15pm.