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Exam & Key Stage Results
Key Stage 4 Outcomes
*Please note data is provisional | 2024 Result |
Progress 8 | -0.02 |
Attainment 8 | 45.7 |
Basic E and M (9 - 4) | 64.5% |
Basic E and M (9 - 5) | 43.5% |
Ebacc* APS | 4.04 |
Ebacc* Entered | 43.2% |
*The EBacc is a set of subjects at GCSE that keeps young people’s options open for further study and future careers. The EBacc is: English language and literature, maths, the sciences, geography or history, a language.
Post-16 Outcomes
Key Stage 5 | 2024 |
A Level Average Grade | C- |
Applied General Average Grade | Merit+ |
Tech Levels | Dist- |
Post-19 Destinations
- No NEETS: all students were accepted onto a University course including 4 Russell Group institutions. Others secured a training place or entered employment including one student securing sponsorship at Spring Hill College, Alabama.
- The University of Loughborough was the most popular institution for our leavers who went on to university.
- Financial Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Science were the most popular choices for university courses.
- Examples of apprenticeship placements secured include Ernest and Young and Santander.
Our 16-19 study programmes are personalised to each student to ensure they are suitable according to prior attainment, and to support their own education and career goals. All study plans will include one or more academic, applied or vocational qualifications. Where students do not hold 4-9 grades for Level 2 English and Maths we will include the relevant GCSE course on the study plan. Students are encouraged to take part in meaningful non-qualification activity alongside their studies, for example, we offer Duke of Edinburgh Awards and sporting activities for enrichment. These will help to prepare the student for employment, training or further education. We also offer meaningful work placements to help students develop new skills and support their progression into a work environment.