Principal: Natasha Jabbar
The Chalk Hills Academy Leagrave High Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU4 0NETel: 01582 884 100
Contact Form
SENDCO: Jennifer Linney
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Rachael Friend
CEO, Advantage Schools: Stuart Lock
Chair of Secondary Cluster Board - Luton: Montell Neufville
You are welcome to contact us either by telephone or email, should you require any information, a tour of the school or guidance about The Chalk Hills Academy.
Emails are received by the school reception and directed to the most appropriate colleague.
If you require a paper copy of any of the information on our website, we will provide this free of charge. Please contact reception on 01582 884100 or alternatively at
Part of Advantage Schools (Company number 07337888, registered in England and Wales), an ambitious Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) based in Bedford. Formed in April 2017, the Trust runs Bedford Free School, Houstone School, Elstow School, Queen’s Park Academy, Laburnum Primary School, The Chalk Hills Academy, The Stockwood Park Academy, The Sixth Form, The Linden Academy, The Rushmere Park Academy and The Vale Academy.
Advantage Schools, Bedford I-lab, Stannard Way, Priory Business Park, Bedford MK44 3RZ
T: 0330 053 1680