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Group 667

Vision and Values

At The Chalk Hills Academy, we never forget that parents entrust us with one of the most important and rewarding jobs in the world, the education of their children. For us, that means unlocking the potential within every child in ways that ultimately make them happy, confident and competent young adults. 

"The very essence of leadership is that you have a vision. It’s got to be a vision that you can articulate clearly and forcefully on every occasion. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet."
Theodore Hesburgh 

We place strong emphasis on students’ personal development. Alongside academic qualifications, our students have the opportunity to experience the world of work; charity and fundraising, as well as unique sporting experiences including Futsal, basketball and swimming. 

Our supportive approach enables everyone to develop the skills and knowledge required to be responsible and considerate individuals suited to the demands of our ever-changing multicultural society. 

There is extensive monitoring of students’ progress and regular contact with parents and carers through our Abor platform. We place a high emphasis on positive behaviour, which ensures the academy is a happy and safe place within which to learn. 

Our academy boasts some of the best and most innovative educational facilities in the country. This allows students to experience high-quality learning inside the classroom as well as the opportunity to engage in enrichment activities. 

The building was designed in partnership with students, parents, carers, local residents and our stakeholders to ensure it can be used as a community resource for the Lewsey area for many years to come. 

I have every confidence that your child will thrive at The Chalk Hills Academy and welcome you to visit, so you can see our wonderful school in action. 


Our vision is for The Chalk Hills Academy to become a ‘World Class’ school. This would be a school that places equal emphasis on academic excellence as well as personal development, which in turn would allow our students to be the best version of themselves. Put simply, we are creating a school that we would be prepared to send our own loved ones to.


Strive, Achieve and Believe are our academy values. This is very much at the heart of everything we do. As a result, our students are articulate, hard-working and well-rounded individuals who achieve highly and enjoy their educational journey. 


We are passionate about developing student character at The Chalk Hills Academy. Our Personal Development curriculum allows students to make progress with their character, with a particular focus on our six key “building blocks”. 

Strive Achieve Believe







The Personal Development curriculum is explored through form time sessions, assemblies, and dedicated enrichment days in order to ensure that students are provided with a wide range of opportunities to develop and explore the use of our values in action. As well as this, our students also enjoy a range of leadership opportunities, including our Junior Leadership Team, sports captains, and student leadership positions focusing particularly on community, equality and diversity, environment and mental health. We strive for our students to leave the academy; with a better understanding of themselves as individuals, including improved awareness of their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing, as better citizens who understand the world around them, and as future leaders with high expectations and aspirations. The Personal Development curriculum works alongside our subject curriculums, pastoral support, the safeguarding team, extra-curricular opportunities and student voice in order to create well-rounded, compassionate and successful members of society. 

The Senior Principal and Co-Principal create a culture of high expectations and apply this to students (supported by parents and carers) and staff. Students are expected to attend on time every day in exemplary uniform. To support both our Duty of Care to students and to ensure high standards, ALL staff on duty positions wear a ‘high visibility vest’ and actively engage with students. If students are a few seconds late, they will attend the ‘late desk’ and serve a detention. 

Once in class, students are expected to be polite, studious and engage fully in learning activities within their PL group. Planners are checked regularly by form tutors and equipment checks take place every week. 

Teachers are expected to plan challenging and engaging lessons; to manage their classes with professionalism and pride, to cultivate a passion for their subject with their students; to ensure lessons are differentiated with an up-to-date ‘Active Folder’; to set meaningful homework and to mark students’ work regularly, providing feedback which helps the students to improve. 

Data is employed throughout the academy to shine a light on performance. Students who fail to meet their target grades are monitored and given extra support. With students and teachers the monitoring and support is based on the premise that we BELIEVE everyone can and will succeed. 

We equip students to thrive and gain confidence in the exam hall. We do this by holding regular formal assessments in every subject, at every year in the academy. The results of these assessments enable us to group students according to attainment. With such a diverse intake, we believe this is the best way of meeting the needs of our students. For our key examination groups (Years 11, 12 and 13) we provide LASER intervention opportunities; these include, 'Summit Seminars' which are featured as part of the Schools and Academies Trust published programmes. We provide all of our Laser enhancement though a process of diagnose, therapy, test which ensures all sessions are relevant and specifically tailored to student needs. 

Students are developed through a culture of love and support, including a detailed and comprehensive programme of trips, clubs, sporting opportunities and events. PL tutors ensure our students are provided with daily contact with the same teacher and an opportunity to discuss current affairs and develop an awareness of Citizenship. Our assemblies (weekly for all year groups) provide a comprehensive programme covering topics such as health including nutrition and body awareness, citizenship, careers and virtues such as tolerance and respect for others. Special events such as ‘Holocaust Memorial Week’, The Sleigh Bell Appeal and charity events provide students with the skills and confidence to understand and contribute to the world beyond the academy gates. During the academic year our students have raised a significant amount of money for good causes. 

We seek teachers who are keen to make a difference in the lives of our students. We foster a strong sense of team amongst our staff, as demonstrated through our three staff briefings a week. Wednesday's briefings work around a three-week carousel and have the following themes; teaching and lesson, behaviour for learning, and safeguarding. We have a comprehensive staff benefits booklet and clear lines of accountability through performance management. 

A proactive leadership team works tirelessly to ensure that the various cogs in the organisation are aligned. We strive to improve and believe in working tirelessly in the pursuit of excellence.