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Group 667
Group 667

Curriculum Overview

The Chalk Hills Academy strives to nurture every learner through academic achievement and personal development. We are determined to improve the life chances of every one of our students. Our guiding ethos - 'STRIVE, ACHIEVE, BELIEVE' drives our passion to draw out the potential in every student, whilst supporting them at every stage of their time with us. 

The curriculum at Chalk Hills is planned around the following key themes: 

  • It is ambitious enough to meet the needs of every student. 
  • It is coherently planned and sequenced, so that both knowledge and skills develop and consequently understanding deepens. 
  • Where necessary it is tailored to fit with the individual learning needs of those with educational challenges. 
  • The curriculum remains broad and balanced, both in terms of subjects taught and content studied within each subject. 
  • our curriculum celebrates the diverse backgrounds of the pupils in our care and the community we serve 

Our curriculum, both in the classroom and outside of it, ensures that students are given opportunities to challenge themselves and develop confidence, independence and resilience.  When it comes to good teaching, we understand there are various approaches and strategies that work. We have articulated the best of these strategies, as indicated by evidence, and want teachers to actively engage with these. We have called this ‘The Chalk Hills Playbook’. We want to ensure consistency in the quality of teaching across the academy and the behaviours required to achieve this consistency. In doing this, we will ensure the best outcomes for all students. 

Our 5-part lesson (RISPE) consists of the following: 

  • Reviewing learning: Through a retrieval practice activity 
  • Introduction: Instructions and explanations should be clear, concise, clarifying misconceptions head on and reiterating expectations for behaviour and engagement. 
  • Steering/Scaffolding/Modelling: Present new materials using small steps and model using the ‘I do, we do, you do' approach. 
  • Practice: Independent work is sufficient to allow students to apply what they have learnt. Feedback is through live marking, making it timely and specific.  Live marking focusses on providing feedback on misconceptions. 
  • Evaluation: Review of learning 

We aspire to develop every aspect of our students, to ensure they leave us as well-rounded citizens. Determination and resilience are essential qualities for our students if they are to achieve their potential. Through the curriculum, students are encouraged to develop and foster ideas to become thoughtful and inquisitive learners. The Chalk Hills students are challenged outside their comfort zone to strengthen their talents and work together to build team skills, all the while inspiring a passion for lifelong and independent learning. 

Schemes of Learning are carefully planned to ensure that there is progression and sequencing between year groups, key stages and phases in addition to an emphasis on impact.  Pedagogical research and strategy underpin Curriculum Leaders’ oversight of learning in all areas.  

Throughout the curriculum, opportunities to develop student’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Culture awareness have been carefully planned and identified in schemes of learning. All departments play their part, and this also includes promoting British Values in student. 

Our Curriculum Intent 

Our intent is that our curriculum: 

  • Provides a broad and balanced curriculum that is truly comprehensive and accessible to all pupils 
  • Delivers opportunities for students to learn to be successful, to gain useful, transferable skills whilst also acquiring relevant knowledge 
  • Enables high standards of academic achievement where outcomes empower students to progress to Higher Education 
  • Affords opportunities for all pupils to develop a high level of literacy and numeracy required for success in the wider curriculum and in adult life 
  • Expands students' perspectives through a range of spiritual, moral, social and cultural opportunities to promote their sense of moral and social responsibility 
  • Ensures that all pupils are able to thrive and develop as healthy individuals and good citizens 
  • Ensures that all pupils are safe and understand how to stay safe 
  • Fosters a strength of character and resilience that will help pupils to cope with choices and overcome the challenges they are likely to encounter in life 
  • Provides an appropriate range of opportunities and experiences to inspire pupils to succeed in the next stage of their education, training or employment